
This timetable is a guide only and is subject to change depending on the needs of the King and Queen.


Between each court, a “flight” of food will be brought out

Site Opens1pm
First Court2pm
Last Court of current King & Queen2pm
Divestiture and Investiture3.30pm
First Court of new King and Queen5pm
Special Serving of Food to new King and Queen5.30pm
King and Queen meeting with Exchequer, Keeper of Regalia, Seneschals6.30pm – 7pm
Dance Practice and Lessons & A&S Judging5.30pm
Ball Commences 7pm
Intermission 8pm
Closing Court9.15pm


River Haven Hall

Chivalry Meeting (includes a light breakfast of toast, bread, fruit, tea, coffee)9am
Site Opens 9am
Kingdom Banner Parade10am
Opening Court10.10am
Armour Inspections10.30am – 11am
Rose Tourney – Heavy11am
Rose Tourney – Rapier11am
Laurel Meeting2pm
Pelican Meeting3pm
Pickup FightsUntil 4pm
Closing Court4.15pm (or when Pelican Meeting closes
Site Closes5pm